In Secret...
As 2018 began, I realised I was in a completely different place from where I was last year - mentally, emotionally and physically (geographically, to be more specific). I had never desired to live outside of India, maybe just visit or study abroad for a bit. But now I live in Australia, one of the most beautiful countries in the world. And somehow it feels so odd to post pictures of the stunning beaches and landscapes. It feels odd to share pictures of genuine good times with my friends and husband too...why? Because I know so many of my dearest friends will never get to experience this country, or have some of the things I do, and it could make them feel envious. Maybe they're not married yet, or their spouse left them, or they were cheated on and crushed in every way. Maybe they have a broken family, or their mum just died and the picture of me and my mum opens up their deepest wounds. Perhaps I'm only more sensitive to this because we have been having a hard time getti...